The View From the Old Lunch Line – An Author Revisits His Alma Mater

Those of you who have been reading “McCullough Writes” for a while may remember my tale of guest-speaking at a local high school. Well, I recently had the privilege of embarking on yet another adventure as visiting author; this time, at Cranberry Junior-Senior High School–my old Alma Mater! With a visitor’s badge and a briefcase […]

Why Do Sequels Suck? Comparing and Contrasting the Good, the Bad, and the Barf-tastic

Picture this. A great movie is released and gains critical acclaim. It dominates the box office and leaves audiences clamoring for more. Giddy with their own success, creators comply, announcing that the next chapter is on its way! Yeah, baby! A sequel: more of what you loved—bigger, better, faster, and stronger. But somewhere along the way, […]

Goodreads Book Giveaways – To Give or Not To Give?

20 million members.  570 million books. No doubt about it: Goodreads is the premier website for book-lovers, turning reading– a normally solitary action– into a community-based, social media experience.  But Goodreads has also become an important destination for authors looking to promote their work and connect with readers.  With the Goodreads author program, writers are given […]

Write Boldly

“Some, dreading that awareness of how they do what they do would cripple their spontaneity, never study the craft. Instead, they march along in a lockstep of unconscious habit, thinking it’s instinct. Their dreams of creating unique works of power and wonder are seldom, if ever, realized. They put in long, tough days, for no […]